LechuSA initiative

LechuSA (Land Ecosystem Change Utility for South America) is a tool that helps to identify and understand functional changes of South American terrestrial ecosystems during the last 25 years, and is a space for discussion and collaboration between researchers studying those changes from different regions and perspectives.


  • identification of functional change hotspots
  • raising hypotheses and evidences on causes and possible impacts
  • obtaining temporal series of satellite information
  • bibliographic query (journals and reports) and synthesis making
herramientas contribuciones_en utilidades_en síntesis_en publicaciones_en mapas de cambio_en participantes_en

Change maps show possible hotspots according to different functional variables. These maps are useful bases for participant’s contributions, rising hypotheses and evidences on the nature and causes of changes, allowing the enhancement and up-date of maps. Contributions can be supported by existing publications and integrated to a data base linked to hotspots. Combination of contributions and publications would lead to get a synthesis on changes in the continent. Besides, we will provide different utilities, like the extraction of temporal series of satellite information on areas for users´ interest.

acceso directo a mapas de cambio
"maps of functional changes"
Guided visit